All components are configured in XML files: -------------------------------------------- MENU: "Menu.xml" --- for menu and submenu: put your name and XML file for the loaded swf your png logo ---------------------------------------------------------------- GALLERY "galleryes.xml" --- for the drop down menu put your name and picture category for the XML file ----------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOS in examples PANORAMIC.xml, LANDSCAPE.xml, WEDDING.xml etc ... picsmall = "name thumbs" picbig = "name photo _" url = "for external links" Description ------------------------------------------------------------------ VIDEO "video1.xml" configure video gallery 1. thumbs and flv file ------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT "contact.xml" put your contact information. mail.php send data -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS "index.xml" Put your news -------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT "about.xml" picture and description -------------------------------------------------------------------- AUDIO PLAYER "sound.xml" put your soung name --------------------------------------------------------------------- for thumbs size: open libraries\templateGallery\mvcgallery\ and change: static var __width:Number=140 // thumb width static var __height:Number=100 // thumb height for any help or change contact me: